CRISPR Transfection Reagents


  • Provides effective delivery into attachment dependent and suspension cells
  • Optimized for delivery of CRISPR mediators: Cas9 (RNP) complexes as well as pDNA / mRNA complexes for CRISPR
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Item Details
  • 10-10: ALL-Fect reagent (0.75 mL at 1 mg/mL)
  • 10-20: ALL-Fect reagent (1.5 mL at 1 mg/mL)
  • 10-40: ALL-Fect Kit (0.75 mL ALL-Fect reagent at 1 mg/mL+ 0.75 mL Trans-Booster at 0.4 mg/mL)
  • 10-50: ALL-Fect kit (1.5 mL ALL-Fect reagent at 1 mg/mL + 1.5 mL Trans-Booster at 0.4 mg/mL)
  • 80-10: mRNA-Fect reagent (0.75 mL at 1 mg/mL)
  • 80-20: mRNA-Fect reagent (1.5 mL at 1 mg/mL)
  • 80-40: mRNA-Fect kit (0.75 mL mRNA-Fect reagent at 1 mg/mL+ 0.75 mL Trans-Booster at 0.4 mg/mL)
  • 80-50: mRNA-Fect kit (1.5 mL mRNA-Fect reagent at 1 mg/mL + 1.5 mL Trans-Booster at 0.4 mg/mL)
  • 90-10: CRISP-Fect reagent (0.75 mL CRISP-Fect reagent at 1 mg/mL+ 0.75 mL Trans-Booster at 0.4 mg/mL)
  • 90-20: CRISP-Fect reagent (1.5 mL CRISP-Fect reagent at 1 mg/mL+ 1.5 mL Trans-Booster at 0.4 mg/mL)
For more information about these reagents, please see ALL-Fect, mRNA-Fect, and CRISP-Fect brochures.
CRISPR ProtocolsALL-Fect and mRNA-Fect reagents for pDNA and mRNA based CRISPR protocols.
Transfection kits (1 vial of reagent and 1 vial of Trans-Booster) are recommended for better efficacy in hard-to-transfect cell types.
CRISP-Fect for RNP mediated CRISPR protocols
 SKUPack Size (mL)Concentration (mg/mL)Price (USD)
ALL-Fect Kit10-400.75 / 0.751.00400
10-501.5 / 1.51.00720
mRNA-Fect Kit80-400.75 / 0.751.00430
80-501.5 / 1.51.00774
CRISP-Fect90-100.751.0 / 0.4267
90-201.501.0 / 0.4454
Benefits1. High transfection efficiency in the presence of serum.
2. Effective delivery of pDNA molecules via a simple protocol that is ideal for scale-up and automation.
3. Minimal toxicity compared to other commercial reagents, reducing adverse effects on highly sensitive human cells.
4. Non-integrating transfection reagent eliminates unwanted effects due to host genome integration.
5. Possibility of using the same transfection reagent in animal models, leading to harmonized studies.

Transfection Reagents for Implementing CRISPR

The indicated transfection reagents have been found to be highly effective in transient transfection of reagents necessary for implementing CRISPR. All reagents are ideal for implementing CRISPR in attachment-dependent cells based on specific type of nucleic acid to be used for editing. We recommend the users to inspect our Reagent Selection Guide ( to determine the suitable reagent for the cell model to be used. All reagents are synthetic amphiphilic polymers that are validated for delivery of indicated CRISPR reagents after extensive testing of amphiphilic polymer libraries. They are capable of undergoing multivalent interactions with oligonucleotides and encapsulating co-incubated nucleic acids into ~100 nm particles with a net positive charge. The complexation between the nucleic acids and the transfection reagents occurs in aqueous buffers, obviating the need for organic solvents during preparation. All reagents are non-integrating carriers, so that the genetic make-up of host cells is not altered after treatment with these reagents. The transfection kits are suitable for hard to transfer cell types while the use of individual reagents was found effective in easily transfectable cell types. As with all transfection reagents, formulations of the reagents with oligonucleotides may need to be optimized for specific cell types and transfection conditions.


PropertyALL-Fect, mRNA-Fect, and CRISP-Fect
Nucleic AcidpDNA, mRNA and RNP
Cell TypesAttachment-dependent
Transfection TypeTransient
High ThroughputCompatible
Storage Temperature-20 ºC
Shelf Life at -20 ºC~1 year

Transfections per 1 mL of Reagents

Plate Size Number of Transfections
6-well (1200 µL/well) 40 – 330
24-well (800 µL/well) 60 – 500
48-well (400 µL/well) 125 – 1000
96-well (200 µL/well) 250 – 2000

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